[I wrote this back in February. Welcome to my crazy mind.]
Tonight was the annual “Battle of the Boulevard” basketball game at my alma mater, a long-held tradition where we play our rival team from the University down the street…(or boulevard). This game always sells out and the stands are packed with people proudly wearing their team colors. It’s always an exciting night, and this night proved to be no different.
During one of the time-outs, the huge screen at one end of the court lit up and the crowd grew silent as a video began to play. Starting from the floor and slowly scanning upward, the video revealed a man wearing a Lipscomb jersey. A very famous man. Who was this beautiful, thick-necked, pouty-lipped man endorsing our little, unknown school? None other than Tim-stinkin-Tebow himself. The arena buzzed with excitement. Whew….even I was sweating, and I’m not even a Florida fan. Come to find out, the point of the video was to announce that he would be the keynote speaker at a big event coming up at Lipscomb. Tim Tebow was coming to Nashville!
Moments after the video played, I immediately reached for my phone to text my sister who was somewhere in the packed arena, who I also knew would be freaking out at the idea of Tim Tebow coming to Nashville. We had become fans of the proud-to-be-Christian football-playing trio of Tim Tebow, Colt McCoy, and Sam Bradford, and admired them for being bold about their faith. I had been especially intrigued by Tim Tebow, who ESPN had nicknamed the “Chosen One” while he was still in high school because of his incredible talent and outspoken faith in God.
When I looked at my phone, my sister had, of course, beat me to it and texted me (in all caps) that OH MY GOSH YOU HAVE TO MEET HIM- HE IS SO YOUR SOULMATE!! I giggled at this thought. Then, as any girl would do (don’t lie, you do it too), I began to dream a little day dream….(Cue harp music and blurry fade-out to dream sequence).
It’s the day of the event, and since I have been such an over-achieving employee at Lipscomb for 6 months, the powers-that-be decide that I am clearly the best person from the university to introduce Tim Tebow before he speaks. So of course I wow the crowd with my introduction. I’m cute, charming, and confident. In fact, I somehow manage to make people cry and laugh, all in my simple- yet profound and ever-so brilliantly-worded introduction. “Who is this beautiful and articulate girl?” Mr. Tebow asks himself before he goes on stage. Afterwards, he finds me and introduces himself, asks me out and then we get married and live happily ever after in a hut in the Philippines with our seven adopted children. The end.
So maybe I got a little carried away. Tim Tebow liking me? That’s totally outrageous. It would be like Cinderella at the ball. Out of all these fair maidens, you choose me? Out of all of these beautiful big-boobed, blonde-headed girls throwing themselves at you, you choose me? Who am I? Why me?
Then I started thinking about how I would act differently if indeed such a thing were to happen. You’re Tim Tebow’s girlfriend, you must be something special, something different. I’d carry myself with grace, with confidence, because people would expect it. I would do great things, like create charities and make inspirational speeches, because of who I was. Because the “chosen one” chose me.
Wait a second. Reality check.
Doesn’t the almighty all-knowing, all-loving, CREATOR of the entire UNIVERSE adore me and treasure me more than I could ever imagine? Didn’t the one and only true God create me exactly the way I am and think I am precious and beautiful?? Didn’t the perfect ONE-AND-ONLY SON OF THE LIVING GOD think I was so special and worth-it that he DIED to save me??
Chosen by the Chosen one. Hmmmm.
Why am I not shouting from the mountain tops, “You love ME, GOD?!!!”” “WHY ME, OF ALL PEOPLE???” “THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!” Why don’t I live every day in the astonishment that for some reason God himself sees me as powerful and unique and priceless? Why don’t I look fear in the eye and LAUGH, knowing I am loved by my Heavenly Father who has conquered all—even death?!!
I am loved by this God. I am loved by the maker of the universe. Wow.
Thanks Tim Tebow….but I don’t think I’ll be needing you after all.
love reading your blog friend!
I can't believe I didn't know about this blog until now. I'm loving it. I love your perspective and faith. Carry on!
You have to have talent in order to do what you do with a story Day. What a great story and lesson. Love you!
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